
Meet the new boss

chess king

Do you realize, that one word is increasingly vanishing from the corporate lingo?

The word ‘sir’ has almost disappeared from our dictionary, thanks to the new work environment which has given us the freedom to address everyone on a first-name basis. This freedom is just a small part of the vast change that has swept offices, where relations have become more informal, the environment more relaxed, even as the work pressure, deadlines, and expectations have increased tenfold.

“The hierarchy is still there but it is not so airtight. Today subordinates don’t address their bosses as ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’. It has become very informal with the subordinates addressing their bosses with their first names. Also, the bosses have become approachable now. But this depends on person to person. Some people are still stuck with that old subordinate and boss hierarchy.”

Yet, the disappearance of the word, ‘sir’ also tells a lot about the change that the boss-subordinate relationship has undergone. If in the past, the relationship carried the burden of servility and formality with the feeling, ‘boss is always right, today the difference is quite striking. Easy, casual, and friendly are just some of the words that characterize the newfound relationship between the two.

With success coming at an early age, most superiors nowadays are young and as open to fun, innovations, risks, and new ideas as their juniors. If age was one of the factors that inspired respect, with the average age of a senior person reduced by nearly 10-20 years, that factor has nearly become obsolete. Instead, nowadays, respect is earned by being a good team leader, one who is able to motivate his team, charge them up with new ideas, be a good friend and yet at the same time be fair to all his subordinates.

Boss seems straight out of “management books”, by example. Is considerate, a great motivator, and always pepping up the entire team’s morale. Also very democratic – not at all believing in a hierarchy. Always ready to get his hands dirty (stays back with us if some deadline has to be met, pitches in with the team’s effort),”

Thanks to the new freedom that employees have started enjoying with their bosses, the fear factor has been replaced with the friend factor, where they feel that they can approach their boss at all times with their problems. If they disagree with them at some point, they have the freedom to voice their opinion and prove their point without the fear of losing their jobs.

Most would agree that today, the boss is not always synonymous with a monster. “I personally feel that the boss-subordinate relationship has undergone a drastic change.

Times have really changed and nowadays bosses are much more friendly and approachable.”

But then again exceptions are always there and this statement in no way generalizes all bosses across the board.

For instance, there may be bosses who may appear to be good friends but when it comes to being a team leader, they may fail drastically.

“Some bosses are still very traditional –

being didactic, authoritarian.

But others are more democratic.

All in all – a good boss to have.”

Another reason why this change in bosses has occurred.

“The relationship (boss-subordinate) has undergone a drastic change not only because the attitude of bosses has changed but also because of the new 360-degree feedback approach that is now being used for all people managers. Due to this now the managers are more concerned about their subordinates, their growth plan, learning curve, etc.”

It also helps that superiors are now becoming more vocal and generous about showering praises on their subordinates. And this pat on the back often has monetary attractions also attached to them. Moreover, if employees feel that they deserve better than what they are getting, nowadays, they have the freedom to talk to their seniors about it and can expect a reasonable answer.

A recent survey showed that Indians were the most satisfied employees in the world, which is of course not without a reason.

However, while the mood in India may be very buoyant, in the rest of the world, bosses have failed to impress their employees. As per an industry report, only four percent of employees are happy with their bosses. Nearly 25 percent of the bosses have been rated as dire or dreadful.

In another survey conducted by a career website, 82 percent of the people felt that their bosses were too arrogant, controlling, unpleasant or incompetent. They further complained that their bosses never gave them any positive feedback, were critical of them and were judgmental, sexist, or inflexible. Only eight percent of the people had the courage to complain directly to their bosses, while 50 percent admitted quitting their jobs for better opportunities.

Guess Indians are just too lucky!

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