
Dhakka to Marathi Box Office

Dhakka to Marathi Box Office from movie

Dhakka to Marathi Box Office from movie “De Dhakka”

Dhakka to Marathi Box Office from movie“De Dhakka” a movie still rocking Marathi audience with his comedy and emaotional dhhakkas (shock or surprise). Movies released on 16th June, 2008, where other movies like Tingya, Ghartyasathi Saar kahi, Sakhee was also running to theatre. “De Dhakka” launch by Zee Talkies with Makrand Anaspure, Siddharth Jadhav and Shivaji Satam. That is other part of star cast. But the thing is that in May people not only in Maharashtra but also in world were busy in watching IPL, the main event in cricket history. IPL rocks India, and the cricket fan all over the world. IPL also effects on box office in India with loss of Rs.100 crores to Bollywood.



“De Dhakka” runs between the seasons of IPL, where big films like “Sarkar Raj” released after the end of IPL season. Producers don’t want to bear loss, which will occur due to season, so they decided to release after IPL. “De Dhakka” is inspired from Hollywood movies “Little Miss Sunshine”. A story of village family, how they are with each other in emotional way, but in real life they are always fighting with each other. We can’t say that it’s like typical Marathi movies, but no an original also. It’s like pop corn movie, any age of person or any generation can enjoy this movie. Movie sends audience out of theatre with a pleasurable smile while watching the movie. That is the reason movie gives a real “Dhakka” to the box office, in competition of other hindi and marathi movies. This is really joyful news to Marathi people that they are back now. So I must say that every Maharashtrian must saw the movie.

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