
How Insurance Works

insurance policy

Life is full of unexpected happenings. Any unwanted incident may take place at any time that anyone may be unaware of. So people are always in search of peace of mind to keep themselves away from the tensions of risks in life. It’s the need for this mental relaxation that gave birth to the term insurance.

Insurance: It’s Need

Life is full of risks, which may at home, at work, or in our autos. Some risks are minimal and can be overcome, but most are not. This is where insurance comes into effect.
Insurance does not protect us from the risks but covers or compensates the consequences of the happening. Insurance companies have always surveyed the statistical picture and come up with a plan that’ll give people peace of mind.

Insurance: Types

Taking a closer look at the working policy of the insurance companies we’ll find that they come with a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement with the company. Insurance policies are of many types such as

  • Life Insurance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Automobile Insurance
  • Household Insurance

Insurance insures to provide a stipulated amount of money fixed by the providing company to the family members covered under it as compensation for the policyholder’s death. Thus the family will be helped at that very moment with some economic funds.

Insurance: How Does It Work

What we have to do is to cover ourselves under any of these policies according to our needs and pay a monthly premium fixed by the company. Proper payment of the premiums within the stipulated time prevents our insurance from getting lapsed. Whenever we face any problem or any incident that was covered by the plan takes place then the company compensates us with the assured amount helping us to cope with the losses. Life involves risk and insurance is based on risk. People need peace of mind. Statistics are made by insurance companies to provide us with plans to cover our risks. Finally calculating all the facts we see that insurance is of great profit for both the holders and providers. Because thinking mathematically we will find that when we calculate risks with the possible statistics of insurance it provides the result of the peace of mind.

Calculation of premiums:
The premium is calculated on the basis of probability. You can make a claim to draw funds from the insurance pool, within reasonable limits, as per law. Those who pay less, draw less from the insurance and its reverse. Again insurers take many factors into a concern to conclude the possibility that you will make claim.

How Insurance pays:
The policyholder should check the policies and talk to the insurance representative about the insurance that what it has covered and what it hasn’t. Insurance pays for your losses only when it is under the policy schemes. However, insurance will not pay for every problem you come across.

Next: Benefits of Insurance

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