
Advantages of Sending Your Kid to Playschool


Are you frustrated with the varied suggestion from friends and relatives regarding whether you should admit your kid to a playschool or not? Let’s accept it; the ones who speak against playschool have never really bothered to go deep into their critical research. The advantages of putting your kid into playschool are numerous. These advantages will be for you as well as for the growth and development of your kid. In case you are still in two minds about what you should do, here are 3 advantages of sending your kid to a playschool:


In today’s world where both parents need to work full-time jobs in order to afford an affluent lifestyle for their family, it is difficult to be around your child at all hours. But this shouldn’t mean that you must give up your job or not have a baby in the first place. Balancing both is the key to success and that’s what playschools are bringing to you.

Most playschools double up as crèches and daycare centers for taking responsibility for your child. You can leave your child with them and be rest assured about his security and safety. What more? Your child will not be wheeling away time while he is in playschool. He will be interacting with other children, starting his first lessons in alphabets, drawings and shape and color recognition, etc. What can be a more fruitful way of ensuring your kid’s safety and knowledge?

Start Early

When you put your kid into a playschool, he is receiving professional guidance on the basics of his higher education. Your child is learning to play with various interactive objects, identify colors and draw lines. He is also able to learn the alphabet and numbers at playschool. This will give him an edge over children who never went to playschool when he ‘graduates’ to kindergarten or nursery school.

Many would criticize this point as a step to pressurize young minds. But the reality is the child is not being forced to learn anything he/she doesn’t want to. The teachers are professionally trained to interact with children and determine what they have a knack for and what they don’t have a knack for. There are no examinations conducted in playschools for which the child needs to be pressurized. And who doesn’t want a slight edge in this increasingly competitive education system that you live in?

Social Benefits

Before you start smirking, thinking why on earth would a toddler needs social skills, stop and think. Research worldwide has shown that a human being learns the most and the best (as in most retained) when he/she is in his growing age. If a toddler can learn a language (mind it, they do their best to communicate with their family), and identify various aspects of a household and a family, why can’t he/she pick up a few social skills? When he is spending a large part of the day with other children of his / her age, your kid will learn the skills of making friends, being a team worker, and many more.

Don’t have second thoughts regarding sending your baby to a playschool. But be careful to choose a reputed and competent one for the purpose!

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