
Google Friend Connect

google friend connect

We all know Google for its world-class services and again Google has come with a new service named Google Friend Connect which allows users to intensify their social network by permitting site visitors to connect to blogs and increase the network, in shot Google Friend Connect means more people engaging more deeply with your website — and with each other.

The service can be easily configured in four easy steps:

Google Friend Connect Add

Add two required files to your web server, Site Name, and Home URL
Site Name: Kuch Bhi
Home URL:

Google Friend Connect Code

Copy the “members gadget” code, here you will need to download two
files to your computer which are rpc_replay.html & canvas.html

Google Friend Connect Gadget Upload the files as is to your websites root folder,
next click on ‘Test & Finalize Setup’ to complete the setting process.

Google Friend Connect Features Once Google verifies the files are proper
you may choose more social features as desired.


  • Anyone can join your site with one click by using their existing Google, Yahoo, and other accounts.
  • Visitors can evangelize for your site by inviting their friends and publishing their activities on their social networks.
  • Social gadgets will keep these visitors more deeply engaged with your site, and with each other.


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